Mobility for Excellence in Research, Innovation and Technology
Fellowship Programme for PhD researchers for making exceptional research in the Czech Republic
MERIT principles
Opportunities beyond borders
Academic/non-academic mobility
Knowledge from various disciplines
Richness in differences
Hosting organisations

Work and Life in Central Bohemia
Central Bohemia is not only a region with great innovation potential, but also a beautiful place to live. See the most attractive destinations in Central Bohemia in the short video. If you have decided to settle in the Central Bohemian Region, you made the right decision!
Watch videoFind more informations
The Central Bohemian Region has long been one of the most economically developed regions in the Czech Republic. Measured in GDP per capita, the level of economic prosperity reaches 83% of the EU27 average.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can apply to MERIT?
How many calls will the programme offer? And how many fellowships are available in each of the calls?
What is the duration of the fellowship?
What is the remuneration of the fellowships?
Central Bohemian Innovation Center
As an open and customer-oriented innovation agency, we support entrepreneurs in fulfilling their ambitions and expanding their companies, and we help connect research institutions and ideas with businesses in order to bring state-of-the-art innovations and solutions. We are also developing a regional innovation ecosystem.
Office address:
Strakonická 3367
150 00
Prague 5, Czech Republic