Research Centre Řež
General description
Research Centre Řež (CVŘ) is a research organisation with the main aim of research, development and innovations in the field of power generation (especially nuclear). CVŘ owns a unique research infrastructure such as experimental research reactors LVR-15 and LR-0 and technological experimental circuits. Significant modernization of the infrastructure was realized within years 2012-2017 due to the implementation of the SUSEN project (in the framework of the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovations of the European Regional Development Fund). The core activities of CVŘ involve fundamental and applied research on experimental research reactors LVR-15 and LR-0. Other activities are arising from the participation of CVŘ in the international Jules Horowitz Reactor project. No less important are national and international research projects.
Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment
- Large Research Infrastructure Reactors Řež
- Large Research Infrastructure Jules Horowitz Reactor (JHR)
- Large Research Infrastructure Sustainable Energy (SUSEN)-Experimental SCWR Loop, Experimental Helium Loop, Experimental CO2 Loop, ITER Facility, 14MeV Neutron Source, Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, NDE Laboratory, LOCA Chamber, Hot Cells Complex, Cold Crucible Devices, SIMS Laboratory, Mechanical Testing Laboratory, Welding Laboratory
Contact person
Contact us to know more about our location and work environment. Please use the main contact for questions related to administrative matters. Please contact the supervisors/group leaders of respective research groups regarding feasibility of your research proposal with regard to the research group activities.


Daneš Burket
I graduated in 1994 in nuclear engineering from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Ph.D. degree I obtained in reactor physics in 2004. I started my career at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant in 1994, in 2007 I moved to ČEZ headquarters to the position of Technical support section director, responsible for technical inspections and diagnostics, maintenance system, equipment life management, documentation management and information systems for nuclear, coal, gas and hydro power plants. I have been working at Research center Řež since 2016, first as the director of Research and development section, from 2022 as Strategy director. I am president of the Czech Nuclear Society.
About the position
The successful candidate will join one of the research teams at the Research Center Řež, in Řež, Czech Republic.
The three research areas of interest are: 1) Energy technologies, 2) Nuclear engineering and 3) Structural nuclear materials.
1) Energy technologies is including large-scale energy storage technology and study of the thermodynamic circuits with high efficiency based on supercritical CO2 in close collaboration with the industrial partners and international organizations. Apart from the available large research infrastructure in Řež, we are preparing the construction of a pilot storage unit at the Mělník power plant site.
2) Nuclear engineering covers independent creative research in a wide range of fundamental scientific areas of reactor physics, applied and experimental nuclear physics, neutron physics, nuclear safety, computational methods and methods of mathematical modeling.
3) Structural nuclear materials research area is open for the collaboration on studying materials for all nuclear reactor technologies and the development and testing of materials which are capable of surviving the extreme environments within a nuclear core including neutron irradiation and advanced reactors coolants, i.e. molten salts, supercritical water, liquid lead or the high temperature helium.
We are looking for a candidate who is enthusiastic, highly motivated, and willing to work both independently and as part of a team.
Candidate shall also have a solid publication track record in peer reviewed journals and good written and oral communication skills in English.