J.S. Machar High School
General description
Gymnázium J. S. Machara, Brandýs nad Labem (J.S. Machar Grammar school in Brandýs nad Labem) is a high-school located in the Central Bohemian Region with a general focus. The school educates students from 11 to 19 years old (level K-6 to K-13). The school offers foreign languages, natural sciences, engineering, computers and computer science and other general subjects. The school is a partner school of the Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. Its support students in creativity, engage with robotics, programming and develop their individual talents. The goal of the school is to support the individual talents of each student and teaching in the spirit of the STEM/STEAM and Maker Education concept. In the framework of MERIT, the school is willing to host researchers for secondments (which will engage researchers in teaching activities, including leading workshops for Czech students) and to co-organise Citizen Science workshops as part of the career development program for MERIT fellows.